Exceptional service cannot be masked. It is a consequence of proactive thinking plus interactional and transactional environment understanding. Customer satisfaction does not happen by chance but rather by design.The judges decision is final and they place their vote in your till.

The WOW Factory has embarked upon a customer service awareness campaign, educating clients -customers - patrons - audiences and patients to look out for an insignia that will alert them to businesses, venues and practitioners who are sensitive to exceptional customer satisfaction practices. 

This insignia is referred to as a WOW Seal. This is available as a sticker for environmental awareness as well as an electronic image that can be linked to a website and social media platforms. This will give the visitor to the environment an instant reminder that exceptional customer service and a WOW experience is on the way and if delivered should result in return and referred business.  WHY ...... BECAUSE SERVICE DELIVERY IS OFTEN LACKING BUT BECAUSE OF AN IMPLEMENTED - THOUGHT STIMULATION STRATEGY - YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE WILL SET YOU APART FROM THE REST.

WOW seals are ONLY issued on the following conditions

1. The business operates on concepts ensuring WOW customer satisfaction

2. The service rendering meets The WOW Factory customer service protocols

3. WOW certification is analysed and renewed annually

4. A link can be established between The WOW Factory website and the applicant's website

5. To see if your environment ( offices/store/website etc.. ) qualifies, please Contact Us or send e.mail subject - QUALIFICATION to